Keep it Moving

AO: The Goat Rodeo

When: 03/10/2021


Number of Pax: 4

Pax Names: Lemond, MaryLou, Sweet Tooth, Waddle,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: LeMond

The BackBlast:

  1. Warmup
    1. SSH: 15
    2. Shoulder taps: 15
    3. LBCs: 11
    4. Imperial Walkers: 15
    5. Big Arm Circles: 15 in each direction
    6. Side leg raises: 20
  2. Mosey to pullup bars
    1. 10 pullups, 15 pushups on left leg
    2. 10 pullups, 15 pushups on right leg
  3. Mosey to workout bench
    1. 10 Alligator pushups, walking lunge tradeoff.
    2. Partners trade off.
  4. COVID workout: running between each round.
    1. Chinook squats: 10 reps of 4-count
    2. Outlaws: 4-count circles, 10 in each direction
    3. V-up: 4-count, 10 reps
    4. Imperial squat walkers: 10 4-count
    5. Double shot jackie: 20 OYO.
  5. 6s across playground netting:
    1. Dips and box jumps.
  6. Mary
    1. Box Cutters x20
    2. Freddie Mercuries x15
    3. Big Boy Sit-ups: 20 OYO.
    4. 10 Superman holds
    5. ABCs
    6. American Hammer

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