Archives: The Country Ghetto Comes to Dip City – Lake Shore Park (Thu) 9/19

Date: Thursday September 19, 2019

Time: 05:30


QIC: f3popper

Marco Polo



YHC is celebrating one year in the books with F3 by going on a one-week three-stop anniversary Q tour. First stop: F3 Chicago’s hidden gem, Dip City.

Five strong PAX convened in the gloom. Two locals and three downrange from southern environs: Raleigh, Cherokee and YHC from Alpha. Brought along JJ Grey & Mofro on the portable speaker for some front porch soul while we sweat.


Mosey lap

Side straddle hop

Weed picker

Imperial walker


Arm circles forward & backward

Thang 1


  1. 10 pull-ups
  2. 25 merkins
  3. 25 big boy situps
  4. 25 Bonnie Blairs
  5. Bear crawl the short length of the field. Modify to lunge walk if necessary.
  6. Mosey back

Rinse & repeat, completing 4 sets in total

Freddie Mercuries and Peter Parkers for the 6.

Thang 2

Circuit. Each PAX gets an exercise to AMRAP, then rotate when the timer returns.

  1. Mosey lap (timer)
  2. Burpees
  3. Jump squats
  4. 5 pull-ups & 5 SSH alternating
  5. V-Ups



Crunchy frog

Freddie Mercuries


Prayers for Chicagoland GrowRuck this weekend. Quagmire from Cherokee did GrowRuck in Georgia last month and shared some tales and wisdom. Moral of the story: Vaseline your feet, crotch, and basically everything else ahead of time and maybe you’ll escape 2am chafing.

Naked Man Moleskin

One year in the books, with hopefully many more to come. Stop 1 on the anniversary Q tour was a success, as YHC was privileged to lead these men in the gloom.

To newer PAX, Q-ing can seem nebulous and intimidating. It certainly did to YHC at first. Approaching YHC’s first Q in January earlier this year, sleep didn’t come easy as the insecurities set in. “I’ll say something dumb. I’ll make mistakes. I won’t count or speak the correct way. Someone will laugh.” And you know what? Every one of those things happened. But you know what else? The PAX followed, encouraged, congratulated, and told me to Q again. And in this way, as part of the DNA of F3, peer leadership becomes part of who we are, in and out of the gloom.



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