01/13 : QSource – Mammon

AO: The Forge

When: 01/13/2021


Number of Pax: 6

Pax Names: Bronco, Fogger, Kodak, Linus, RA, Rossy,

Number of FNGS: 0

FNG Names:

QIC: Kodak

The BackBlast:

Six met for an extended coffeeteria and continuation into F3’s leadership guide, The QSource.

Today’s topic was Mammon : The Sustaining Relationship Between A Man And His Work

Socratics :

  • How does a man know that he is working too little?
  • How does a man know that he is working too much?
  • Why is work the only relationship from which we seek to retire?

In study of this topic, there was some struggle on YHC’s part as to why this relationship was being downplayed so much and yet such an obstacle in so many guys’ life to getting right. We all shared stories and experiences how at one point or another mammon griped each of us like a Jester and prohibited us from accelerating in other (more important) aspects of our life – the inner rings of concentrica. Healthy discussion, for certain, and opportunities to encourage another to get on the right path.

Moleskin : Driving home, YHC listened to an interview and subject stated essentially “we all want to have meaning…”. That’s true and usually we wrap our own ‘meaning’ into what we do and push to succeed in that. What defines success shouldn’t be a position or promotion, but joyful marriage and confident shorties.


/Kodak OUT!


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