Archives: Your virtual beatdown frightens and confuses me – The Bean (Tue) 4/14

Date: Saturday April 04, 2020

Time: 12:00







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Call us cavemen, but F3 Chicago likes doing things the simple, mindless, old-fashioned way: show up on time and do the work.

But when a global pandemic rolls into town, these cavemen adapt and up their technological game. Behold: F3 Chicago’s first virtual beatdown was held on 630AM on April 14. Lavender of the Homo Habilis species and Homer (on the Q) of Australopithecus Africanus species posted together through this new age talking and moving box that frightened and confused them.

1.    Don Quixote

2.    Butt Kicker

3.    Lunge

4.    Motivator – from 10

5.    Circuit: 10 Merkins, 10 LBCs, 10 Pull-ups, 10 Squats x 2

6.    11s – Burpees & LBCs

7.    Heels to Heaven

8.    Box Cutter

9.    Plank Jacks

10. Penguins

11. Mt. Climber

12. Dips

13. Doomsday Clock

Naked Moleskin: Though it is unclear if COVID-19 induces a fugue state, Homer started sets of 10 at least 3 times on the Motivator. In the virtual coffeteria with no coffee, Lavender and Homer agreed that, however entertaining, The Tiger King is bullshit on stilts. The prehistoric Pax also wondered aloud of the whereabouts other tribe members, Denari, Noonan, RAT, Mimbo, Marco Polo, El Chapo, MaryLou, Peaches, Ladybug and Sweet-Tooth and prayed to the sun god that they had not become as useless as a T-Rex reaching for his wallet to pay for dinner.



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